College Recruiting Timeline

At Crew Connection, we know the importance of having a clear college recruiting timeline, so you can best position yourself for the rowing recruiting process. The rowing recruiting process ends with you submitting your college applications, and hopefully an acceptance letter to your top choice university! In the U.S. there is no centralized application process (like UCAS!) for the whole country like in the UK. However, you can apply to a number of colleges through the Common Application.

The main deadline for college applications is the start of January for normal applications, but if you want to apply early, to one college, the early application deadline is typically the start of November. These deadlines can vary by college, so make sure you know the specific deadlines for the colleges you’re interested in. If you have any questions about the college rowing recruiting process then reach out:

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The College Recruiting Timeline:

Get on the radar early!

Top college coaches start identifying potential recruits as early as freshman year. You could attend camps at your target schools and connect with coaches to get on their radar. Having regular contact over your high school career is key. Remember that their contact is restricted, but more on that next.

Know the Rules

NCAA rules dictate when and how college coaches can communicate with potential recruits. Brush up on the guidelines for your division so you know what to expect.

In Division I, coaches can start correspondence with potential recruits after the 15th of June after their GCSEs/sophomore year of high school. Unofficial and official visits can start to take place after the 1st of August, just a few months later. These rules were implemented to stop early recruitment of student athletes.

Make the First Move

Don't wait for coaches to find you - be proactive in initiating contact based on their timelines. Coaches might not know you’re interested in them unless you reach out! Completing their recruiting questionnaire online is a great first step. Follow up within a week or two with a personalized email introducing yourself and expressing interest in their program.

Master the Basics

Before worrying about recruitment, focus on building your athletic resume by excelling at competitions and working your way up to higher boats. Strive for regional/national recognition. Academically, focus on taking rigorous courses and earning excellent grades.

GCSEs/Freshman and Sophomore Year

Start by considering the schools that appeal to you the most. Visit the rowing teams' social media pages to get a sense of each team's culture. Identify the ones that pique your interest and create a list. Stay updated on how these teams are performing throughout the season and remain engaged with the collegiate scene.

- Compete successfully at junior/regional events

- Take appropriately challenging courses and do well

- Identify colleges that resonate with you academically: desired major to study, prestige, availability of financial aid, location, class sizes.

- Make a list of of schools that meet your needs and also have a rowing team.

Year 12/Junior Year

This period is about establishing a dialogue with coaches and building relationships while working hard to improve your 2k and maintain your grades. Keep nurturing these relationships throughout the year, as this is essential for securing official visits next year. Coaches may request video footage of your rowing, transcripts of your grades, or reports of your SAT/ACT scores. They want to see your growth as an athlete and your genuine enthusiasm for rowing. The fall season is crucial for laying the foundation for the relationships between you and the coaches. Most coaches appreciate regular updates on your training progress, as it helps them form a comprehensive understanding of your character and your capabilities as an athlete.

- Ensure you meet academic standards and SAT/ACT requirements.

- Reach out to target schools, by filling out questionnaires on the team website

- Create recruiting profile highlighting awards, stats, academic info

- Email coaches regularly with updates on season: how training and racing is going

Summer Before Final Year

This is a pivotal recruiting phase, as coaches begin to compile their lists for potential recruits and official visits. Ensure you have a workout plan and keep coaches informed of any summer races, as they won't be impressed if you take the entire summer off. Be prepared before speaking with coaches if they schedule a call, and present your best self. Familiarize yourself with their rowing and academic programs; coaches want to determine if you're a good fit. Seek the team that resonates with you the most! Top recruits might also receive offers during this period.

- Start to narrow down your lists of top schools to 5

- Plan official campus visits

- Start working on application materials and essays

- Be prepared to call coaches through summer

Year 13/Senior Year

During these months, many recruiting spots are being filled, and recruiting classes are taking shape. Official visits often commence in early September and can extend through December. These visits are integral to the recruiting process, and it's crucial to make the most of them. Coaches might request a 'Pre-Read' for their school, helping them assess whether an athlete meets the academic standards of the institution. Throughout the year keep the coaches up to date with your progress and keep in touch in the admissions process.

- Complete remaining official/unofficial campus visits

- Submit early action/early decision applications as applicable by November/January

- If you’ve managed to secure a recruiting spot remember to commit to the college of your choice.

- Provide mid-season updates to coaches

- Inform all coaches immediately once you accepted an offer

The college recruiting roadmap requires dedication, but taking the right steps year-by-year will get you noticed. Stay focused, work hard, and lean on your support system. With smart preparation, your dreams of being a student-athlete at a top university can become reality!

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